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Product description
17l bags
LARGE size 6,5-7 mm (larger LEAF Trees , pot 40cm + )
– ABOUT semiFired akadama (redish/orange colour).
It is fired at 450C temperature that is low enough that the internal water in the clay does not evaporate during the process, so the Cation exchange capacity remain virtually unchanged yet the particles become much harder.
It means that this akadama retains it’s best properties like great water and nutrition absorption, retention and what is important it decomposes much slower. You can count on it that for 5-6 years it will work well in the pot and holds it’s structure. The decomposing process of akadama is beneficial for the roots as the super fine roots can penetrate the particles and develop.
semi fired akadama due to it’s very high price, we use and sell only in our IBUKI Sieved Mixes. Even if the cost of the akadama in original bags is very high, virtually 100% of the akadama is usable, no dust and too small particles.
The substrate is sieved. Ready to use.
A few comments from bonsai pros about the product:
Mr Walter Pall:
Fired Akadama .. this is great news. As you and others know I have strong problems with akadama. The main reason is that it is decomposing. Especially in my climate where trees are exposed to frost for many weeks akadama creates big problmes. Often I get trees which are imported from Japan and have not been repotted for some time. They sit in full akadama which is hard like a birck and very difficutl to remove without really disturbing the root ball. I even go so far to call normal akadama dangerous. But I am fully aware of the positvie properties that akadama has. With your firing method this ctotally changes the situation. If akadama does not decompose anmore I would definitely use it and can only recommend it.
In addition I would like to raise another point. It is my conviction that old bnsnai are usully repotted too often. Yamadori trees can and should be undisturbed for ten to twenty years or more. When repotting old collected trees roots should not be cut at all if possible. In this situation the fact that akadama decomposes is unbearable. With noromal akadama one has to repot frequntly which is not my aim. So I suggest to use pumice or lava only for collected trees. Now I can extend this list to semifired akadama. Walter Pall