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Leader: Marc Noelanders 05/10/2024

Workshop with Marc Noelander at IBUKI.
The amount of work we went through last days was unbelievable. It simply covered most of the possible scope of bonsai work. If you want to really work on bonsai, do real work please join IBUKI workshops.
I’m in bonsai for 25 years full time and I know there is only a very few bonsai professionals at the same level as Marc Noelanders. With 40 years of experience, started bonsai by learning from the best Japanese masters, be so close to John Naka, starting and conducting bonsai schools all over the world, decided to start and curry on with the biggest bonsai exhibition in Europe – Noelanders Trophy, many many years as President of the European Bonsai Association…. I had the honour to work next to Marc for the last days and I could sense how big and strong his passion for bonsai is. That is simply outstanding and his knowledge, skills are simply the Best.
Workshop with Marc Noelander, a lot of fun and hard work 🙂